Michigan Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 2:15-bk-49008 - Olga's Kitchen, Inc. - Michigan Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Olga's Kitchen, Inc.
Walter Shapero.Detroit
Last Filing
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of Michigan (Detroit)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 15-49008-mlo

Assigned to: Judge Maria L. Oxholm
Chapter 11

Date filed:  06/11/2015
Plan confirmed:  09/29/2016
341 meeting:  08/20/2015
Deadline for filing claims:  10/14/2015

Debtor In Possession

Olga's Kitchen, Inc.

2125 Butterfield Dr. Suite 301n
Troy, MI 48084
Tax ID / EIN: 38-2074067

represented by
Robert N. Bassel

P.O. Box T
Clinton, MI 49236
(248) 677-1234
Fax : (248) 369-4749
Email: [email protected]

Eric J. Carmichael

Shaneen, Jacobs & Ross P.C.
615 Griswold
Suite 1425
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 963-1301
Fax : (313) 963-7123
Email: [email protected]

Jerome D. Frank

30833 Northwestern Hwy
Ste. 205
Farmington Hills, MI 48334-5643
(248) 932-1440
Email: [email protected]

Matthew W. Frank

30833 Northwestern Hwy.
Suite 205
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
(248) 932-1440
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Daniel M. McDermott
represented by
Sean M. Cowley (UST)

United States Trustee
211 West Fort Street
Suite 700
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 226-3432
Email: [email protected]

Claretta Evans (UST)

211 W. Fort Street
Suite 700
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 226-7912
Fax : (313) 226-7912
Email: [email protected]

Paul J. Randel (UST)

211 W. Fort St.
Suite 700
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 226-4541
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
11/21/2017996Docket Text
Large Bankruptcy Case Post-Confirmation Report Filed by Debtor In Possession Olga's Kitchen, Inc.. (Frank, Jerome)
10/25/2017Docket Text
Final Decree: The bankruptcy estate has been fully administered. The bankruptcy court has decreed the chapter 11 case is closed. (ADI: MMS)
10/25/2017995Docket Text
Order to Close Case (Related Doc # [992] Motion). (sms)
10/25/2017994Docket Text
Certification of Non-Response Filed by Debtor In Possession Olga's Kitchen, Inc. (RE: related document(s)[992] Motion for Entry of Final Decree and Closing Chapter 11 Case Pursuant to FRBP 3022 ). (Frank, Matthew)
10/06/2017993Docket Text
Certificate of Service Filed by Debtor In Possession Olga's Kitchen, Inc. (RE: related document(s)[992] Motion for Entry of Final Decree and Closing Chapter 11 Case Pursuant to FRBP 3022 ). (Frank, Jerome)
10/06/2017992Docket Text
Motion for Entry of Final Decree and Closing Chapter 11 Case Pursuant to FRBP 3022 Filed by Debtor In Possession Olga's Kitchen, Inc. Obj Entry of Final Decree and Closing Ch 11 Case Pursuant to FRBP 3022 due by 10/20/2017. (Frank, Jerome)
10/03/2017Docket Text
Adversary Case 2:17-ap-4168 Closed. (kcm)
10/03/2017Docket Text
Disposition of Adversary 2:17-ap-4168 : Dismissed. (kcm)
10/03/2017991Docket Text
Monthly Income & Expense Statement for September, 2017 Filed by Debtor In Possession Olga's Kitchen, Inc.. (Frank, Matthew)
09/27/2017Docket Text
Adversary Case 2:17-ap-4506 Closed. (nlt)