Kentucky Western Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 4:23-bk-40625 - Sterett Companies, LLC and Sterett Heavy Hauling, LLC - Kentucky Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Sterett Companies, LLC and Sterett Heavy Hauling, LLC
Charles R. Merrill
Last Filing
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Kentucky (Owensboro)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-40625-crm

Assigned to: Charles R. Merrill
Chapter 11

Date filed:  10/27/2023
341 meeting:  02/13/2024


Sterett Companies, LLC

P.O. Box 22520
Owensboro, KY 42304
Tax ID / EIN: 47-5098750

represented by
Neil Charles Bordy

Seiller Waterman LLC
2200 Meidinger Tower
462 S 4th Street
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 584-7400
Email: [email protected]

Joseph H. Haddad

Seiller Waterman, LLC
Meidinger Tower, 22nd Floor
462 S. Fourth St.
Louisville, KY 40202
Email: [email protected]

William P. Harbison

462 South Fourth Street, 22nd Floor
Louisville, KY 40202
Email: [email protected]

John David Meyer

Meyer & Meyer
608 Frederica Street
Suite 301
Owensboro, KY 42301
Email: [email protected]

Associated Debtor

Sterett Crane and Rigging, LLC

P.O. Box 22520
Owensboro, KY 42304
Tax ID / EIN: 38-3981169

represented by
Neil Charles Bordy

(See above for address)

Joseph H. Haddad

(See above for address)

William P. Harbison

(See above for address)

John David Meyer

(See above for address)

Associated Debtor

Sterett Equipment Company, LLC

P.O. Box 22520
Owensboro, KY 42304
Tax ID / EIN: 38-3981301

represented by
Neil Charles Bordy

(See above for address)

Joseph H. Haddad

(See above for address)

William P. Harbison

(See above for address)

John David Meyer

(See above for address)

Associated Debtor

Sterett Heavy Hauling, LLC

P.O. Box 22520
Owensboro, KY 42304
Tax ID / EIN: 32-0007872

represented by
Neil Charles Bordy

(See above for address)

Joseph H. Haddad

(See above for address)

William P. Harbison

(See above for address)

John David Meyer

(See above for address)

US Trustee

U.S. Trustee

Asst. U.S.Trustee
601 West Broadway #512
Louisville, KY 40202

represented by
Jamie Lynn Harris

Office of the United States Trustee
601 W Broadway
Suite 512
Louisville, KY 40202
Email: [email protected]

Tim Ruppel

601 W. Broadway
Room 512
Louisville, KY 40202
Email: [email protected]

Creditors Committee

Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors
represented by
Ashley Ann Brown

Dentons Bingham Greenebaum LLP
3500 PNC Tower
101 South Fifth Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Email: [email protected]

James R. Irving

3500 National City Tower
101 S. 5th Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Email: [email protected]

April A. Wimberg

Dentons Bingham Greenebaum LLP
101 S. 5th Street, 34th Fl
Louisville, KY 40202
Email: [email protected]

Gina Marie Young

Dentons Bingham Greenebaum LLP
3500 PNC Tower
101 South Fifth Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Email: [email protected]
SELF- TERMINATED: 02/21/2024

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
12/05/2024554Docket Text
Order Approving Disclosure Statement, Setting Deadlines for Objections to Confirmation and Ballots, and Setting Confirmation Hearing. ***THIS ORDER HAS BEEN MAILED BY THE COURT TO ALL SCHEDULED CREDITORS AND PARTIES IN INTEREST*** (related document(s)540 Amended Disclosure Statement filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit). Confirmation hearing to be held on 1/7/2025 at 11:00 AM (Eastern Time) at
Courtroom #3, 5th Fl. (6th St. Elevators), 601 West Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202
. Entered on 12/5/2024 (TMP) (Entered: 12/05/2024)
12/05/2024553Docket Text
Order Authorizing the Debtors to enter into that certain asset purchase agreement with Sterett Contracting Group LLC, to Sell Certain Assets Free and Clear of Liens, Claims and Interests and Granting Related Relief (Related Doc # 526) Entered on 12/5/2024. (TMP) (Entered: 12/05/2024)
12/04/2024552Docket Text
Proposed Order RE: (related document(s)489 Joint Motion Approve Disclosure Statement filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit). Filed by Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (Irving, James) (Entered: 12/04/2024)
12/04/2024551Docket Text
Order of the Court to continue hearing held on December 3, 2024 regarding the continued use of Cash Collateral 6 , so ORDERED by /s/ Judge Merrill. Hearing scheduled for 1/7/2025 at 11:00 AM (Eastern Time) at
Courtroom #3, 5th Fl. (6th St. Elevators), 601 West Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202
. (AMG)

This Notice of Electronic Filing is the Official ORDER for this entry. No document is attached.

(Entered: 12/04/2024)
12/04/2024550Docket Text
Order Granting Motion of Stuart M. Brown to Appear pro hac vice (Related Doc # 548). If motion was granted and attorney has not yet filed a notice of appearance or other pleading, including the motion related to this Order, he or she must do so in order to be added to the service list for the case. If motion was filed by another attorney such as local counsel, upon receipt of notice of this Order, local counsel should relay this information and notice of this Order to the admitted attorney Entered on 12/4/2024. (TMP) (Entered: 12/04/2024)
12/04/2024549Docket Text
Proposed Order RE: Second Revised (related document(s)526 Motion to Sell Certain Construction Equipment Free and Clear of Liens Fee Amount $199 filed by Debtor Sterett Companies, LLC, Associated Debtor Sterett Crane and Rigging, LLC, Associated Debtor Sterett Equipment Company, LLC, Associated Debtor Sterett Heavy Hauling, LLC). Filed by Sterett Companies, LLC, Sterett Crane and Rigging, LLC, Sterett Equipment Company, LLC, Sterett Heavy Hauling, LLC (Harbison, William) (Entered: 12/04/2024)
12/03/2024548Docket Text
Motion for Attorney Stuart M. Brown to Appear pro hac vice. District Court Receipt number 300010303. Filed by Other Professionals IronPlanet, Inc., Nations Capital, LLC, Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers (America) Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A: Brown Declaration # 2 Exhibit B: Certificate of Good Standing # 3 Proposed Order # 4 Certificate of Service) (Albanese, Rachel) (Entered: 12/03/2024)
12/02/2024547Docket Text
Document: Notice of Filing Stipulation allowing Lender Claim for Voting Purposes (related document(s)541 Document filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A Voting Stipulation) Filed by Webster Business Credit (McKinstry, Taft) (Entered: 12/02/2024)
12/02/2024546Docket Text
Reply to Reply to Disclosure Statement for Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan. Filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B) filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit482, Objection to Disclosure Statement for Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan. Filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B) filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit482. Filed by US Trustee U.S. Trustee filed by US Trustee U.S. Trustee516, Amended Disclosure Statement (related document(s)481 Amended Chapter 11 Plan filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit). Filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B) filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit540. Filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors545. Filed by Creditor Webster Business Credit (McKinstry, Taft) (Entered: 12/02/2024)
12/02/2024545Docket Text
Reply to Disclosure Statement for Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan. Filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B) filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit482, Objection to Disclosure Statement for Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan. Filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B) filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit482. Filed by US Trustee U.S. Trustee filed by US Trustee U.S. Trustee516, Amended Disclosure Statement (related document(s)481 Amended Chapter 11 Plan filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit). Filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B) filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, Creditor Webster Business Credit540. Filed by Creditors Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (Irving, James) (Entered: 12/02/2024)