Illinois Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 1:13-bk-31923 - Country Way Family Restaurant, Inc. - Illinois Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Country Way Family Restaurant, Inc.
Honorable Judge Timothy A. Barnes
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Illinois (Chicago)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 13-31923

Assigned to: Honorable Judge Timothy A. Barnes
Chapter 7
No asset

Debtor disposition:  Discharge Not Applicable
Date filed:  08/09/2013
Date terminated:  10/02/2013
341 meeting:  10/24/2013

Debtor 1

Country Way Family Restaurant, Inc.

8349 W. Lawrence Ave.
Norridge, IL 60706
Tax ID / EIN: 36-3790325
Phoenix Restaurant

represented by
John E Gierum

Gierum & Mantas
2700 S. River Road, Ste 308
Des Plaines, IL 60018
847 318-9130
Fax : 847 318-9140
Email: [email protected]


Trustee R Scott Alsterda

Nixon Peabody LLP
70 West Madison Street
Suite 3500
Chicago, IL 60602
312 977-9203

U.S. Trustee

Patrick S Layng

Office of the U.S. Trustee, Region 11
219 S Dearborn St
Room 873
Chicago, IL 60604

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
10/02/20139Docket Text
Bankruptcy Case Closed and Trustee Discharged . (Beemster, Greg) (Entered: 10/02/2013)
10/01/20138Docket Text
Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution: I, R Scott Alsterda, having been appointed trustee of the estate of the above-named debtor(s), report that I have neither received any property nor paid any money on account of this estate; that I have made a diligent inquiry into the financial affairs of the debtor(s) and the location of the property belonging to the estate; and that there is no property available for distribution from the estate over and above that exempted by law. Pursuant to Fed R Bank P 5009, I hereby certify that the estate of the above-named debtor(s) has been fully administered. I request that I be discharged from any further duties as trustee. Key information about this case as reported in schedules filed by the debtor(s) or otherwise found in the case record: This case was pending for 2 months. Assets Abandoned (without deducting any secured claims): $ 0.00, Assets Exempt: Not Available, Claims Scheduled: $ 155063.49, Claims Asserted: Not Applicable, Claims scheduled to be discharged without payment (without deducting the value of collateral or debts excepted from discharge): $ 155063.49. (Alsterda, R) (Entered: 10/01/2013)
09/26/20137Docket Text
Statement Adjourning Meeting of Creditors. Section 341(a) Meeting Continued on 10/24/2013 at 04:00 PM at 219 South Dearborn, Office of the U.S. Trustee, 8th Floor, Room 800, Chicago, Illinois 60604. (Alsterda, R) (Entered: 09/26/2013)
08/12/20136Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Notice - Meeting of Creditors. (RE: 5 Chapter 7 341 Meeting of Creditors). No. of Notices: 32. Notice Date 08/14/2013. (Admin.) (Entered: 08/14/2013)
08/12/20135Docket Text
Chapter 7 341 Meeting of Creditors (Miller, Marvin) (Entered: 08/12/2013)
08/09/20134Docket Text
Receipt of Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7)(13-31923) [misc,volp7a] ( 306.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number 24201086. Fee Amount $ 306.00 (re:Doc# 1) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 08/09/2013)
08/09/20133Docket Text
Declaration Re: Electronic Filing of Petition and Accompanying Documents. Filed by John E Gierum on behalf of Country Way Family Restaurant, Inc.. (Gierum, John) (Entered: 08/09/2013)
08/09/20132Docket Text
Meeting of Creditors with 341(a) meeting to be held on 09/26/2013 at 12:30 PM at 219 South Dearborn, Office of the U.S. Trustee, 8th Floor, Room 800, Chicago, Illinois 60604. (Gierum, John) (Entered: 08/09/2013)
08/09/20131Docket Text
Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition Fee Amount $306, Filed by John E Gierum on behalf of Country Way Family Restaurant, Inc. (Gierum, John) (Entered: 08/09/2013)