Illinois Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 1:13-bk-04732 - Glenwood Properties Inc. - Illinois Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Glenwood Properties Inc.
Honorable Judge Pamela S. Hollis
Last Filing
Docket Header

NoFeeRequired, MODISM

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Illinois (Chicago)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 13-04732

Assigned to: Honorable Judge Pamela S. Hollis
Chapter 7
Previous chapter 11
Original chapter 11

Date filed:  02/07/2013
Date converted:  04/10/2015
341 meeting:  05/07/2015
Deadline for filing claims:  04/15/2016
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  04/15/2016

Debtor 1

Glenwood Properties Inc.

24675 W. Gilmer Road
Suite 300
Hawthorn Woods, IL 60047
Tax ID / EIN: 36-3925905
Glenwood Resort

Glenwood Farms

resort Membership


Glenwood RV Resort

represented by
Jonathan D. Golding

The Golding Law Offices, P.C.
500 N. Dearborn St., 2nd Fl.
Chicago, IL 60654
Fax : 312-755-5720
Email: [email protected]

Richard N Golding

The Golding Law Offices, P.C.
The Boyce Building
500 North Dearborn Street, Second Floor
Chicago, IL 60654
Fax : 312-755-5720
Email: [email protected]

Richard N. Golding

500 N. Dearborn St.
2nd Flr.
Chicago, IL 60654
Fax : 312-755-5720
Email: [email protected]

The Golding Law Offices, P.C.

500 N. Dearborn Street
2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60654


Ilene F Goldstein, ESQ

Law Offices of Ilene F. Goldstein
900 Skokie Blvd
Ste 128
Northbrook, IL 60062

represented by
William J Factor

The Law Office of William J. Factor, Ltd
1363 Shermer Road
Suite 224
Northbrook, IL 60062
Fax : 847-574-8233
Email: [email protected]

Law Firm of William J Factor, Ltd

Zane L Zielinski

The Law Offices of William J. Factor, LT
105 W. Madison
Suite 1500
Chicago, IL 60602
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Patrick S Layng

Office of the U.S. Trustee, Region 11
219 S Dearborn St
Room 873
Chicago, IL 60604

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
11/06/2018628Docket Text
Bankruptcy Case Closed and Trustee Discharged . (Camacho, Marilyn)
10/03/2018627Docket Text
Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution: Funds Collected: Not Available. Key information about this case as reported in schedules filed by the debtor(s) or otherwise found in the case record: This case was pending for 3 months. Assets Abandoned (without deducting any secured claims): $ 4522276.73, Assets Exempt: Not Available, Claims Scheduled: $ 1744982.11, Claims Asserted: Not Applicable, Claims scheduled to be discharged without payment (without deducting the value of collateral or debts excepted from discharge): $ 1744982.11. Filed by Trustee Ilene F Goldstein ESQ. (Goldstein, Ilene)
10/03/2018626Docket Text
Individual Estate Property Record and Report Asset Cases (Form 1 and/or Form 2) Filed by Trustee Ilene F Goldstein ESQ. (Goldstein, Ilene)
10/03/2018625Docket Text
Individual Estate Property Record and Report Asset Cases (Form 1 and/or Form 2) Filed by Trustee Ilene F Goldstein ESQ. (Goldstein, Ilene)
07/14/2018624Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Notice - Notice of Dismissal (RE: [622] Order Dismissing Case and Barring Debtor from Refiling). No. of Notices: 34. Notice Date 07/14/2018. (Admin.)
07/12/2018623Docket Text
(E)Order Mooting Application to Employ (Related Doc # [544]). Signed on 7/12/2018. (Rodarte, Aida)
07/12/2018622Docket Text
Order Dismissing Case and Barring Debtor from Refiling -Barred Debtor 1 Glenwood Properties Inc. starting 7/12/2018 to 6/30/2028 (RE: [584] Motion to Dismiss). Signed on 7/12/2018 (Rodarte, Aida)
07/12/2018621Docket Text
(E)Order Mooting Motion to Use Sell or Lease Property 363(b) (Related Doc # [572]). Signed on 07/12/2018. (Beckerman, Steve)
07/11/2018620Docket Text
Proposed Order - Dismissing Debtor's Case Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 305 Filed by Yasamin N Oloomi on behalf of Glenwood Resorts, Inc., David Goldman, Goldman & Associates, Goldman Assoc., Goldman Management Co., Resort Membership Marketing Co. (RE: [584] Motion to Dismiss). (Oloomi, Yasamin)
06/26/2018619Docket Text
(E)Hearing Continued (RE: [584] Dismiss for Other Reasons). hearing scheduled for 07/12/2018 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 644 219 South Dearborn, Chicago, IL, 60604.. Signed on 06/26/2018. (Beckerman, Steve)