Georgia Middle Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 5:13-bk-52996 - Lingenwood Northwest, LLC - Georgia Middle Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Lingenwood Northwest, LLC
Last Filing
Docket Header

PlnDue, SmBus, NotQCd

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Middle District of Georgia (Macon)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 13-52996

Assigned to:
Chapter 11

Date filed:  11/05/2013


Lingenwood Northwest, LLC

108 Colonial Oaks Dr
Warner Robins, ga 31088
Tax ID / EIN: 20-3289378

represented by
Robert Abney Fricks

The Fricks Firm, PC
110 Latham Drive, Suite A
Warner Robins, GA 31088
Fax : 478-953-2313
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

U.S. Trustee - MAC

440 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Suite 302
Macon, GA 31201

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
11/05/2013Docket Text
Receipt of Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)(13-52996) [misc,volp11] (1213.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number 10105564. Fee amount 1213.00. (re:Doc# 1) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 11/05/2013)
11/05/20131Docket Text
Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition. Fee Amount $1213 filed by Lingenwood Northwest, LLC 20 Largest Unsecured Creditors due 11/19/2013. Atty Disclosure Statement due 11/19/2013. Attorney Signature Exhibit B due 11/19/2013. Attorney Signature Page 2 due 11/19/2013. Corporate Ownership Statement due 11/19/2013. B201 Debtor Signature re: Relief Availability due 11/19/2013. List of Equity Security Holders due 11/19/2013. List of all creditors due 11/19/2013. Schedules A-J due 11/19/2013. Schedule A due 11/19/2013. Schedule B due 11/19/2013. Schedule C due 11/19/2013. Schedule D due 11/19/2013. Schedule E due 11/19/2013. Schedule F due 11/19/2013. Schedule G due 11/19/2013. Schedule H due 11/19/2013. Schedule I due 11/19/2013. Schedule J due 11/19/2013. SSN/Tax ID due 11/19/2013. Statement of Financial Affairs due 11/19/2013. Summary of schedules due 11/19/2013. Exhibit A due 11/19/2013. Corporate Resolution due 11/19/2013. Bankruptcy Petition Preparer Signature due 11/19/2013. Cash Flow Statement Due 11/19/2013. Credit Counseling Date: 11/19/2013. Federal Income Tax Return Due Date: 11/19/2013. Chapter 11 Current Monthly Income Form 22B Due 11/19/2013. Statement of Operations Due 11/19/2013 Balance Sheet Date: 11/19/2013Employee Income Record for individual debtor due: 11/19/2013. Incomplete Filings due by 11/19/2013. Chapter 11 Plan Small Business due by 05/5/2014, Disclosure Statement due by 05/5/2014. (Entered: 11/05/2013)