Florida Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 9:20-bk-10285 - Villa Abrigo at Celeste, LLC - Florida Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Villa Abrigo at Celeste, LLC
Erik P. Kimball
Last Filing
Docket Header

PlnDue, DsclsDue

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of Florida (West Palm Beach)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 20-10285-EPK

Assigned to: Erik P. Kimball
Chapter 11

Date filed:  01/09/2020
341 meeting:  02/25/2020
Deadline for filing claims:  05/26/2020
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  07/07/2020


Villa Abrigo at Celeste, LLC

67 E Cedar St
Chicago, IL 60611
Tax ID / EIN: 81-4110835

represented by
Brian K. McMahon, Esq.

1401 Forum Way
6th Floor
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Fax : 561-478-3111
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Office of the US Trustee

51 S.W. 1st Ave.
Suite 1204
Miami, FL 33130
(305) 536-7285

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
05/12/202169Docket Text
Bankruptcy Case Closed. (Eisenberg, Randy)
12/15/202068Docket Text
Agreed Notice of Substitution of Attorney. Adding AttorneyHampton Peterson by Attorney Hampton Peterson Esq. (Peterson, Hampton)
11/21/202067Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing - Order Dismissing Case (Re: [66] Order Denying Confirmation of Debtors Amended Plan of Reorganization and Dismissing Case. [Filing Fee Balance Due: $0.00] .) Notice Date 11/21/2020. (Admin.)
11/19/202066Docket Text
Order Denying Confirmation of Debtors Amended Plan of Reorganization and Dismissing Case. [Filing Fee Balance Due: $0.00] . (Eisenberg, Randy)
11/16/202065Docket Text
Order Awarding Final Application For Compensation (Re: # [57]) for Brian K. McMahon, fees awarded: $6,760.00, expenses awarded: $1,811.60 (Eisenberg, Randy)
10/16/202064Docket Text
Certificate of Service Filed by Debtor Villa Abrigo at Celeste, LLC (Re: [63] Order Continuing Hearing). (McMahon, Brian)
10/16/202063Docket Text
Order Continuing Hearing On (Re: [51] Amended Chapter 11 Plan filed by Debtor Villa Abrigo at Celeste, LLC, [57] Application for Compensation filed by Debtor Villa Abrigo at Celeste, LLC). Chapter 11 Hearing scheduled for 11/12/2020 at 02:00 PM by TELEPHONE through CourtSolutions LLC. (Eisenberg, Randy)
10/06/202062Docket Text
Certificate of Service by Attorney Brian K. McMahon Esq. (Re: [51] Amended Chapter 11 Plan filed by Debtor Villa Abrigo at Celeste, LLC, [52] Amended Disclosure Statement filed by Debtor Villa Abrigo at Celeste, LLC, [55] Order Approving Disclosure Statement). (McMahon, Brian)
10/05/202061Docket Text
Objection to Confirmation of ([51] Amended Chapter 11 Plan filed by Debtor Villa Abrigo at Celeste, LLC) Filed by Creditor BridgeWell Capital, LLC. (Herron, Kenneth)
10/05/202060Docket Text
Certificate on Acceptance of Plan and Tabulation of Ballots Filed by Debtor Villa Abrigo at Celeste, LLC. (McMahon, Brian)