Florida Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 0:20-bk-13304 - Advanced Power Technologies, LLC - Florida Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Advanced Power Technologies, LLC
Peter D. Russin
Last Filing
Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of Florida (Fort Lauderdale)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 20-13304-PDR

Assigned to: Peter D. Russin
Chapter 11

Date filed:  03/11/2020
341 meeting:  04/16/2020


Advanced Power Technologies, LLC

1500 North Powerline Rd
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Tax ID / EIN: 20-5137528

represented by
Joshua Lanphear

2385 NW Executive Center Dr., #300
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Fax : 561-998-0047
Email: [email protected]

Bradley S Shraiberg

2385 NW Executive Center Dr. #300
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(561) 443-0801
Fax : (561) 998-0047
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Office of the US Trustee

51 S.W. 1st Ave.
Suite 1204
Miami, FL 33130
(305) 536-7285
represented by
Adisley M Cortez Rodriguez

Office of the US Trustee
51 SW 1 Ave #1204
Miami, FL 33130
(305) 536-7285
Fax : (305) 536-7360
Email: [email protected]

Steven D Schneiderman

Office of the US Trustee
51 SW 1 Ave #1204
Miami, FL 33130
(305) 536-7285
Fax : (305) 536-7360
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
05/17/2022312Docket Text
Chapter 11 Post-Confirmation Report for Quarter Ending 10/20/2021 Filed by Debtor Advanced Power Technologies, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit) (Lanphear, Joshua)
10/22/2021311Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing (Re: [309] Final Decree .) Notice Date 10/22/2021. (Admin.)
10/20/2021310Docket Text
Bankruptcy Case Closed. (Ramos-White, Madeline)
10/20/2021309Docket Text
Final Decree . (Ramos-White, Madeline)
10/20/2021308Docket Text
The debtor in the above case has filed a Final Report and Motion for Entry of Final Decree. The debtor has certified that the case has been fully administered. Based upon the Debtor's Final Report, the United States Trustee has no objection to the Court granting the Debtor's Motion for Final Decree. The Debtor will remain liable for United States Trustee Quarterly Fees for each calendar quarter (or portion thereof) through the date the Final Decree is entered in this case. The United States Trustee reserves the right to seek to have the Final Decree vacated should any United States Trustee Quarterly Fees remain unpaid through date of closing by the court. Filed by U.S. Trustee Office of the US Trustee. (Schneiderman, Steven)
10/14/2021307Docket Text
Chapter 11 Post-Confirmation Report for Quarter Ending 9/30/2021 Filed by Debtor Advanced Power Technologies, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit) (Lanphear, Joshua)
09/15/2021306Docket Text
Certificate of Service by Attorney Bradley S Shraiberg (Re: [305] Final Report of Estate filed by Debtor Advanced Power Technologies, LLC). (Shraiberg, Bradley)
09/15/2021305Docket Text
Final Report of Estate and Motion for Final Decree Closing Case Filed by Debtor Advanced Power Technologies, LLC. Deadline for US Trustee to Object to Final Report: 10/15/2021. (Shraiberg, Bradley)
08/30/2021304Docket Text
Certificate of Service by Attorney Joshua Lanphear (Re: [303] Order on Miscellaneous Motion). (Lanphear, Joshua)
08/27/2021303Docket Text
Agreed Order Granting Motion for Entry of Agreed Order Resolving Objection to, and Allowance of, Administrative Claim Re: # [302] (Ramos-White, Madeline)