Florida Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 0:20-bk-11743 - GTN Properties, LLC - Florida Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
GTN Properties, LLC
Scott M Grossman
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of Florida (Fort Lauderdale)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 20-11743-SMG

Assigned to: Scott M Grossman
Chapter 11

Debtor disposition:  Dismissed for Other Reason
Date filed:  02/10/2020
Date terminated:  09/04/2020
Debtor dismissed:  06/25/2020
341 meeting:  04/20/2020


GTN Properties, LLC

1815 NW 51 Place
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Tax ID / EIN: 59-0256225

represented by
Susan D. Lasky, Esq

320 SE 18 Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
(954) 400-7474
Fax : (954) 206-0628
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Office of the US Trustee

51 S.W. 1st Ave.
Suite 1204
Miami, FL 33130
(305) 536-7285
represented by
Zana Michelle Scarlett

Office of the US Trustee
51 SW 1 Ave #1204
Miami, FL 33130
(305) 536-7285
Fax : (305) 536-7360
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
09/04/202064Docket Text
Bankruptcy Case Closed. (Rodriguez, Lorenzo) (Entered: 09/04/2020)
08/25/202063Docket Text
Certificate of Service by Attorney Susan D. Lasky Esq (Re: 62 Order on Application for Compensation). (Lasky, Susan) (Entered: 08/25/2020)
08/13/202062Docket Text
Order Granting Application For Compensation (Re: # 57) for Susan D. Lasky, fees awarded: $10080.00, expenses awarded: $150.00 (Grooms, Desiree) (Entered: 08/13/2020)
07/21/202061Docket Text
Certificate of Service by Attorney Susan D. Lasky Esq (Re: 58 Notice of Hearing). (Lasky, Susan) (Entered: 07/21/2020)
07/13/202060Docket Text
Debtor-In-Possession Monthly Operating Report for the Period of June 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020 Filed by Debtor GTN Properties, LLC. (Lasky, Susan) (Entered: 07/13/2020)
07/10/202059Docket Text
Transcript of 6/24/2020 Hearing. [Transcript will be restricted for a period of 90 days.] (Re: 8 Emergency Motion to Use Cash Collateral Filed by Debtor GTN Properties, LLC, 48 Motion to Extend Time to File Dislcosure Statement and Plan of Reorganization, or in the alternative Motion to Dismiss Case Filed by Debtor GTN Properties, LLC). Redaction Request Due By 07/17/2020. Statement of Personal Data Identifier Redaction Request Due by 07/31/2020. Redacted Transcript Due by 08/10/2020. Transcript access will be restricted through 10/8/2020. (Ouellette and Mauldin) (Entered: 07/10/2020)
07/06/202058Docket Text
Notice of Hearing (Re: 57 Application for Compensation for Susan D. Lasky Esq, Attorney-Debtor, Period: 2/10/2020 to 6/25/2020, Fee: $10080.00, Expenses: $150.00 Filed by Attorney Susan D. Lasky Esq) Hearing scheduled for 07/29/2020 at 01:30 PM by TELEPHONE. To participate call Court Solutions (917) 746-7476. (Gomez, Edy) (Entered: 07/06/2020)
06/30/202057Docket Text
Application for Compensation for Susan D. Lasky Esq, Attorney-Debtor, Period: 2/10/2020 to 6/25/2020, Fee: $10080.00, Expenses: $150.00. Filed by Attorney Susan D. Lasky Esq (Lasky, Susan) (Entered: 06/30/2020)
06/27/202056Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing - Order Dismissing Case (Re: 55 Order Denying as Moot Motion to Extend Time (Re: 48), Granting Motion to Dismiss Case (Re: 48). [Filing Fee Balance Due: $0.00]) Notice Date 06/27/2020. (Admin.) (Entered: 06/28/2020)
06/25/202055Docket Text
Order Denying as Moot Motion to Extend Time (Re: # 48), Granting Motion to Dismiss Case (Re: # 48). [Filing Fee Balance Due: $0.00] (Grooms, Desiree) (Entered: 06/25/2020)