Florida Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 0:20-bk-11531 - White Stone Foods, LLC - Florida Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
White Stone Foods, LLC
Peter D. Russin
Last Filing
Docket Header

PlnDue, DsclsDue

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of Florida (Fort Lauderdale)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 20-11531-PGH

Assigned to: Paul G. Hyman, Jr.
Chapter 11

Date filed:  02/04/2020
341 meeting:  03/31/2020
Deadline for filing claims:  06/02/2020
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  08/03/2020


White Stone Foods, LLC

2563 Jardin Manor
Weston, FL 33327
Tax ID / EIN: 42-1752452
Long John Silver's

A & W Restaurants

represented by
Brian S Behar, Esq

1855 Griffin Road, Suite A-350
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33004
(305) 931-3771
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Office of the US Trustee

51 S.W. 1st Ave.
Suite 1204
Miami, FL 33130
(305) 536-7285
represented by
Zana Michelle Scarlett

Office of the US Trustee
51 SW 1 Ave #1204
Miami, FL 33130
(305) 536-7285
Fax : (305) 536-7360
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
05/04/2021266Docket Text
Bankruptcy Case Closed. (Grooms, Desiree)
05/03/2021265Docket Text
Debtor-In-Possession Monthly Operating Report for the Period of 3/1/21 to 3/31/21 Filed by Debtor White Stone Foods, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) part 2) (Behar, Brian)
05/03/2021264Docket Text
Debtor-In-Possession Monthly Operating Report for the Period of 2/1/21 to 2/28/21 Filed by Debtor White Stone Foods, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) part 2) (Behar, Brian)
03/28/2021263Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Mailing - Order Dismissing Case (Re: [261] Order Granting Motion to Dismiss Case (Re: [237]). [Filing Fee Balance Due: $0.00], Granting Motion to Shorten Time Prejudice Period: 30 Days (Re: #[237])) Notice Date 03/28/2021. (Admin.)
03/26/2021262Docket Text
Certificate of Service by Attorney Brian S Behar Esq (Re: [261] Order on Motion to Dismiss Case, Order Shortening Time). (Attachments: # (1) service list) (Behar, Brian)
03/26/2021261Docket Text
Order Granting Motion to Dismiss Case (Re: # [237]). [Filing Fee Balance Due: $0.00], Granting Motion to Shorten Time Prejudice Period: 30 Days (Re: #[237]) (Grooms, Desiree)
03/24/2021260Docket Text
Limited Objection to ([237] Expedited Motion to Dismiss Case filed by Debtor White Stone Foods, LLC, Motion to Shorten Time to Conduct Hearing) Filed by Creditor Long John Silver's, LLC (Rigoli, Jason)
03/24/2021259Docket Text
Agreed Order Granting Long John Silvers, LLC's Motion to Extend Time to File Response to Debtor's Motion to Dismiss Bankruptcy (Re: # [258]) (Grooms, Desiree)
03/23/2021258Docket Text
Agreed Ex Parte Motion to Extend Time to to File Response to Debtors Motion to Dismiss Bankruptcy (ECF No. 237) Filed by Creditor Long John Silver's, LLC (Rigoli, Jason)
03/22/2021257Docket Text
Debtor-In-Possession Monthly Operating Report for the Period of 1/1/21 to 1/31/21 Filed by Debtor White Stone Foods, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) part 2 # (2) part 3) (Behar, Brian)