Florida Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 4:11-bk-40517 - Turner Heritage Homes, Inc. - Florida Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Turner Heritage Homes, Inc.
Karen K. Specie
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Florida (Tallahassee)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 11-40517-KKS

Assigned to: Judge Karen K. Specie
Chapter 11

Debtor disposition:  Discharge Not Applicable
Case Manager:  
Monica Broussard
Date filed:  06/29/2011
Date terminated:  06/20/2013
Plan confirmed:  03/26/2012
341 meeting:  08/04/2011


Turner Heritage Homes, Inc.

6615 W. Boyton Beach Blvd.
Suite 396
Boynton Beach, FL 33437
Tax ID / EIN: 59-3174318
Turner Land Enterprises

Turner LL


Northside Homes

South County Homes

Turner Heritage Homes of Destin

Freeport Builders

Wakulla Builders

Mission Overlook

T & D Enterprises

Heritage Hills Development Company

Capital Circle Commerce Center

represented by
Michael Howard Moody

P.O. Box 4363
Tallahassee, FL 32315
Fax : 850-739-6970
Email: [email protected]

Ronald A. Mowrey

Mowrey Law Firm, P.A.
515 North Adams Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301-1111
Fax : 850-561-6867
Email: [email protected]

Brian G. Rich

Berger Singerman LLP
313 N. Monoe Street
2nd Floor
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 561-3010
Fax : (850) 561-3013
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

110 E. Park Avenue
Suite 128
Tallahassee, FL 32301
represented by
Jason H. Egan

Office of the U. S. Trustee
110 E. Park Avenue
Suite 128
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 942-1664
Fax : (850) 942-1669
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
07/24/2015Docket Text
FINAL Notice to File Proof of Service. The movant or prevailing party, or debtor, as applicable, or its counsel is hereby reminded of the requirement to serve the order referenced herein and file a Certificate of Service within three (3) days. Failure to comply with the FLNB noticing requirements may result in the order being vacated. (Re: [354] Order on Motion to Reopen Chapter 11 Case) (ADIapps)
07/24/2015Docket Text
FINAL Notice to File Proof of Service. The movant or prevailing party, or debtor, as applicable, or its counsel is hereby reminded of the requirement to serve the order referenced herein and file a Certificate of Service within three (3) days. Failure to comply with the FLNB noticing requirements may result in the order being vacated. (Re: 354 Order on Motion to Reopen Chapter 11 Case) (ADIapps) (Entered: 07/24/2015)
07/24/20150Docket Text
FINAL Notice to File Proof of Service. The movant or prevailing party, or debtor, as applicable, or its counsel is hereby reminded of the requirement to serve the order referenced herein and file a Certificate of Service within three (3) days. Failure to comply with the FLNB noticing requirements may result in the order being vacated. (Re: 354 Order on Motion to Reopen Chapter 11 Case) (ADIapps) (Entered: 07/24/2015)
07/21/2015Docket Text
Notice to File Proof of Service. The movant or prevailing party, or debtor, as applicable, or its counsel is hereby reminded of the requirement to serve the order referenced herein and file a Certificate of Service within three (3) days. Failure to comply with the FLNB noticing requirements may result in the order being vacated. (Re: [354] Order on Motion to Reopen Chapter 11 Case) (ADIapps)
07/15/2015354Docket Text
Order Denying Motion to Reopen Chapter 11 Case (Re: [342]) signed on 7/15/2015 . (Davis, Lisa) Ronald Mowrey shall serve this document pursuant to the applicable Rules and file a certificate of service within three (3) days.
06/04/2015353Docket Text
Transcript re: hearing held 5/14/15 on Motion to Re-open Case. The transcript may be viewed at the Clerk's Office during the restricted period (read-only format) or copies may be purchased directly from the court reporter. See Proceeding Memo/Hearing Held event for court reporter contact information. (Re: [342] Motion to Reopen Chapter 11, [352] Proceeding Memo - Hearing Held.) Notice of Intent to Request Redaction due by 6/11/2015. Redaction Request due by 6/25/2015. Redacted Transcript due by 7/6/2015. Public access to this transcript will be restricted through 9/2/2015 after which it will be available at the regular PACER fee. (Davis, Lisa)
05/15/2015352Docket Text
Hearing Held on 5/15/15; (Re: [342] Motion to Reopen Chapter 11.)- Denied; Order/Mitchell; Appear.: Egan (UST), Rich/Mowrey (D), Mitchell (SummitBridge), Vitucci/Colbert (FMB); CR: Andrea Komaridis (Premier-Merit Rpting, 850-894-0828). (Nah, Janet)
05/13/2015351Docket Text
Joinder by FMB in Motion to Reopen filed by Roy S. Kobert on behalf of Farmers & Merchants Bank [Re: [342] Motion to Reopen Chapter 11]. (Kobert, Roy)
05/01/2015350Docket Text
Certificate of Service/Mailing Amended Certificate of Service filed by Brian G. Rich on behalf of Turner Heritage Homes, Inc. [Re: [348] Joinder]. (Rich, Brian)
05/01/2015349Docket Text
SUBMISSION ERROR NOTIFICATION: Certificate of Service does not include name(s) and email address(es) of electronic recipients. You must file a proper certificate of service as soon as possible. (Re: [348] Joinder.) (Deroche, L.)