California Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 4:23-bk-40043 - Zenernet, LLC - California Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Zenernet, LLC
Charles Novack
Last Filing
Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
California Northern Bankruptcy Court (Oakland)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-40043

Assigned to: Judge Charles Novack
Chapter 7

Date filed:  01/13/2023
341 meeting:  02/28/2023
Deadline for filing claims:  04/25/2023


Zenernet, LLC

4340 E Indian School Rd., Suite 21-132
Phoenix, AZ 85018
Tax ID / EIN: 82-3516447

represented by
Keith C. Owens

Fox Rothschild LLP
10250 Constellation Blvd.
Ste 900
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Fax : 310-556-9828
Email: [email protected]


Marlene G. Weinstein

1511 Sycamore Ave. #M-259
Hercules, CA 94547
(925) 482-8982

represented by
Chris D. Kuhner

Kornfield Nyberg Bendes Kuhner & Little
1970 Broadway #600
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 763-1000
Email: [email protected]

Adam Nach

Lane & Nach PC
2001 East Campbell Avenue
Suite 103
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Fax : 602-258-6003
Email: [email protected]

Eric A. Nyberg

Kornfield Nyberg Bendes Kuhner & Little
1970 Broadway #600
Oakland, CA 94612
Email: [email protected]

Randall S Udelman

Udelman Law Firm, P.L.C.
4742 N. 24th Street
Suite 340
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Office of the U.S. Trustee/Oak

Office of the United States Trustee
Phillip J. Burton Federal Building
450 Golden Gate Ave. 5th Fl., #05-0153
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 252-2080

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
01/30/2025Docket Text
Trustee's Statement of Non-Opposition ((RE: related document(s)[124] Motion for Relief From Stay filed by Creditor Santander Consumer USA Inc. dba Chrysler Capital). (Weinstein, Marlene)
01/27/2025126Docket Text
Withdrawal of Claim: 159 Filed by Creditor David Fox . (rs)
01/27/2025125Docket Text
Notice of Hearing (RE: related document(s)[124] Motion for Relief from Stay Fee Amount $199, Filed by Creditor Santander Consumer USA Inc. dba Chrysler Capital (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum of Points and Authorities # 2 Declaration # 3 Exhibit # 4 RS Cover Sheet)). Hearing scheduled for 2/14/2025 at 10:00 AM in/via Oakland Room 215 - Novack. Filed by Creditor Santander Consumer USA Inc. dba Chrysler Capital (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service) (Ith, Sheryl)
01/27/2025124Docket Text
Motion for Relief from Stay Fee Amount $199, Filed by Creditor Santander Consumer USA Inc. dba Chrysler Capital (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum of Points and Authorities # (2) Declaration # (3) Exhibit # (4) RS Cover Sheet) (Ith, Sheryl)
12/27/2024123Docket Text
Notice of Change of Address Filed by Creditor Michael Stanton (rs)
12/20/2024122Docket Text
Order Granting Stipulation Between Chapter 7 Trustee and Enterprise Bank & Trust re Distribution Pursuant to Stipulation Between Chapter 7 Trustee and Enterprise Bank & Trust re Allocation of Litigation Proceeds (RE: related document(s)[121] Stipulation for Miscellaneous Relief filed by Trustee Marlene G. Weinstein). (rba)
12/20/2024121Docket Text
Stipulation, Between Chapter 7 Trustee and Enterprise Bank & Trust Re Distribution Pursuant to Stipulation Between the Chapter 7 Trustee and Enterprise Bank & Trust Re Allocation of Litigation Proceeds Filed by Trustee Marlene G. Weinstein (RE: related document(s)[70] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief). (Nyberg, Eric)
12/12/2024120Docket Text
Amended Order Approving and Authorizing Compensation to Accountants (RE: related document(s)[110],[118] Order on Application for Compensation) fees awarded: $98,985.00, expenses awarded: $157.61 for Bachecki, Crom & Co., LLP, Certified Public Accountants . (rba) Modified on 12/13/2024 (myt).
12/09/2024119Docket Text
Order Approving First and Final Application of Lane & Nach, P.C. and Udelman Law Firm, P.L.C., Special Counsel for Marlene G. Weinstein, Chapter 7 Trustee, for Allowance and Payment of Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses (Related Doc # [112]). fees awarded: $150,581.43, expenses awarded: $488.87 for Lane & Nach, P.C., Granting Application For Compensation (Related Doc # [112]). fees awarded: $150,581.43, expenses awarded: $344.69 for Udelman Law Firm (rba)
12/09/2024118Docket Text
Order Approving and Authorizing Compensation to Accountants (Related Doc # [110]). fees awarded: $98,985.00, expenses awarded: $157.61 for Bachecki, Crom & Co., LLP, Certified Public Accountants (rba)