California Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 3:18-bk-31040 - Oxbridge Coins, Inc. - California Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Oxbridge Coins, Inc.
Dennis Montali
Last Filing
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
California Northern Bankruptcy Court (San Francisco)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 18-31040

Assigned to: Judge Dennis Montali
Chapter 7
Previous chapter 11
Original chapter 11

Date filed:  09/21/2018
Date converted:  11/22/2019
341 meeting:  02/26/2020
Deadline for filing claims:  01/31/2020


Oxbridge Coins, Inc.

2115 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tax ID / EIN: 23-3977999
Oxbridge Capital, Inc.

Oxbridge House, Inc.

represented by
Mitchell R. Hadler

Law Offices of Mitchell R. Hadler
1450 Sutter St. #508
San Francisco, CA 94109
Email: [email protected]


E. Lynn Schoenmann

35 Miller Ave. #298
Mill Valley, CA 94941-1903
(415) 569-4390

represented by
Geoffrey A. Heaton

Duane Morris LLP
1 Market, Spear Tower #2200
San Francisco, CA 94105-1127
(415) 957-3000
Email: [email protected]

Aron M. Oliner

Law Offices of Duane Morris
1 Market Spear Tower #2200
San Francisco, CA 94105-3104
Email: [email protected]

E. Lynn Schoenmann

35 Miller Ave. #298
Mill Valley, CA 94941-1903
(415) 569-4390
Fax : (415) 362-0416
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Office of the U.S. Trustee / SF

Phillip J. Burton Federal Building
450 Golden Gate Ave. 5th Fl., #05-0153
San Francisco, CA 94102
represented by
Terri H. Didion

Office of the U. S. Trustee - San Jose
United States Courthouse
2500 Tulare St. #1401
Fresno, CA 93721
(559) 487-5002
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 09/04/2019

Paul Christopher Gunther

Office of the United States Trustee
Depart. of Justice
280 S 1st St. #268
San Jose, CA 95113
(408) 535-5525
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 12/03/2018

Lynette C. Kelly

Office of the United States Trustee
Phillip J. Burton Federal Building
450 Golden Gate Ave. 5th Fl., #05-0153
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 252-2065
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 03/07/2019

Nicholas Strozza

Office of the U. S. Trustee - San Jose
280 South 1 St., Suite 268
San Jose, CA 95113
(408) 535-5525
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
11/24/2021204Docket Text
Corrected Notice of Change of Address Filed by stockholders Vadim L Polyak (Hadiaris, Peter) (Entered: 11/24/2021)
11/24/2021203Docket Text
Notice of Change of Address Filed by stockholders Vadim L Polyak (Hadiaris, Peter) (Entered: 11/24/2021)
11/19/2021Docket Text
Adversary Case Closed 3:20-ap-3125. (ka) (Entered: 11/19/2021)
11/09/2021202Docket Text
Order Authorizing Trustee to Compromise Controversy With Vadim Polyak, Rostislav "Roy" Polyak, LPG Group, LLC and Zebra Group, LLC (Related Doc # 201) (lp) (Entered: 11/10/2021)
11/05/2021201Docket Text
Motion for Entry of Default [Application for Entry of Order Authorizing Trustee to Compromise Controversy with Vadim Polyak, Rostislav "Roy" Polyak, LPG Group, LLC and Zebra Group, LLC] (RE: related document(s) 200 Opportunity for Hearing filed by Trustee E. Lynn Schoenmann). Filed by Trustee E. Lynn Schoenmann (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Aron M. Oliner # 2 Certificate of Service) (Oliner, Aron) (Entered: 11/05/2021)
10/25/2021Docket Text
Adversary Case Closed 3:19-ap-3010. (klr) (Entered: 10/25/2021)
10/13/2021Docket Text
Adversary Case Closed 3:18-ap-3070. (myt) (Entered: 10/13/2021)
10/13/2021200Docket Text
Notice and Opportunity for Hearing [Notice of Trustees Intention to Compromise Controversy with Vadim Polyak, Rostislav Roy Polyak, LPG Group, LLC and Zebra Group, LLC; Opportunity for Hearing] Filed by Trustee E. Lynn Schoenmann (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service) (Oliner, Aron) NOTE: Additional event code not selected. Modified on 10/15/2021 (myt). (Entered: 10/13/2021)
08/06/2021199Docket Text
Order Granting Motion To Compel the Chapter 7 Trustee to Abandon Non Bankruptcy Claims Against Westford Rare Coins, LLC; Michael P. Johnson Individually and DBA Midwest Coins Company; and Patrick Johnson Individually and DBA Dollars and Cents (Related Doc # 158) (lp) (Entered: 08/06/2021)
08/05/2021198Docket Text
Certificate of Service Certificate of Service of Approved Form of Order Granting Motion to Compel Abandonment (RE: related document(s) 158 Motion to Compel). Filed by Debtor Oxbridge Coins, Inc. (Hadler, Mitchell) (Entered: 08/05/2021)