California Central Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 2:14-bk-28039 - D&C Care Center, Inc. - California Central Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
D&C Care Center, Inc.
Sheri Bluebond
Last Filing
Docket Header

PlnDue, DsclsDue, CONVERTED

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Central District of California (Los Angeles)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 2:14-bk-28039-BB

Assigned to: Sheri Bluebond
Chapter 7
Previous chapter 11
Original chapter 11

Date filed:  09/22/2014
Date converted:  05/08/2015
341 meeting:  07/27/2015
Deadline for filing claims:  10/05/2015
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  11/04/2015


D&C Care Center, Inc.

1640 North Fair Oaks
Pasadena, CA 91103
Tax ID / EIN: 95-4215374
Sunrise Convalescent Hospital

represented by
Jerome Bennett Friedman

1900 Ave of the Stars 11th Fl
Los Angeles, CA 90067-4409
Fax : 310-733-5442
Email: [email protected]


Howard M Ehrenberg (TR)

333 South Hope Street, 35th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
(213) 626-2311

represented by
Daniel A Lev

333 S Hope St 35th Fl
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Fax : 213-629-4520
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee (LA)

915 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1850
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 894-6811
represented by
Ron Maroko

915 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 1850
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Fax : 213-894-2603
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 10/22/2014

Kelly L Morrison

Office of the US Trustee
915 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1850
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Fax : 213-894-2603
Email: [email protected]

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
07/25/2019328Docket Text
Bankruptcy Case Closed - CHAPTER 7 ASSET. Pursuant to the Trustee's Final Account and Distribution Report Certification that the Estate has been Fully Administered and Application to be Discharged, it is ordered that the above case be closed. No objections having been made by the United States Trustee, the trustee is discharged and the bond is exonerated. (RE: related document(s)[41] Notice of Hearing filed by Debtor D&C Care Center, Inc., doc Hearing (Bk Motion) Set, doc Hearing (Bk Other) Continued, [100] Emergency motion filed by Debtor D&C Care Center, Inc., [168] Meeting of Creditors Chapter 7 Asset, doc Hearing (Bk Motion) Continued, [319] Notice of Trustee's Final Report and Applications for Compensation (NFR) (BNC-PDF)) (Garcia, Elaine L.)
07/25/2019327Docket Text
Chapter 7 Trustee's Final Account, Certification that the Estate has been Fully Administered and Application of Trustee to be Discharged filed on behalf of Trustee Ehrenberg. The United States Trustee has reviewed the Final Account, Certification that the Estate has been Fully Administered and Application of Trustee to be Discharged. The United States Trustee does not object to the relief requested. Filed by United States Trustee. (united states trustee (fsy))
03/22/2019326Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. (RE: related document(s)[324] Order of Distribution (BNC-PDF) filed by Trustee Howard M Ehrenberg (TR), Attorney SulmeyerKupetz, Attorney Friedman Law Group, P.C., Accountant Wang, Mi & Co Professional Accountancy Corp, Special Counsel Dincel Law Group,, Accountant Wang Mi & Co) No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 03/22/2019. (Admin.)
03/21/2019325Docket Text
Hearing Held (Bk Other) (RE: related document(s) [319] Notice of Trustee's Final Report and Applications for Compensation (NFR) (BNC-PDF)) - RULING - GRANTED; TENTATIVE IS THE RULING; ORDER TO FOLLOW; (Jackson, Wendy Ann)
03/20/2019324Docket Text
Order of Distribution for Wang Mi & Co, Accountant, Period: to , Fees awarded: $65677.00, Expenses awarded: $30.66; for SulmeyerKupetz, Trustee's Attorney, Period: to , Fees awarded: $242211.00, Expenses awarded: $8880.06; for Dincel Law Group,, Trustee's Attorney, Period: to , Fees awarded: $17460.00, Expenses awarded: $0.00; for Howard M Ehrenberg (TR), Trustee Chapter 7, Period: to , Fees awarded: $91189.17, Expenses awarded: $1314.40; for Friedman Law Group, P.C., Debtor's Attorney, Period: to , Fees awarded: $40549.70, Expenses awarded: $5409.76; for Wang, Mi & Co Professional Accountancy Corp, Accountant, Period: to , Fees awarded: $47041.00, Expenses awarded: $10.08; Awarded on 3/20/2019 (BNC-PDF) Signed on 3/20/2019. (Jackson, Wendy Ann)
03/06/2019323Docket Text
Withdrawal of Claim(s): 7 Filed by Creditor Wells Fargo Bank, National Association. (Ramirez-Browning, Yvonne)
02/28/2019322Docket Text
BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. (RE: related document(s)[319] Notice of Trustee's Final Report and Applications for Compensation (NFR) (BNC-PDF)) No. of Notices: 126. Notice Date 02/28/2019. (Admin.)
02/26/2019321Docket Text
Hearing Set (RE: related document(s)[319] Notice of Trustee's Final Report and Applications for Compensation (NFR) (BNC-PDF)) Status hearing to be held on 3/20/2019 at 02:00 PM at Crtrm 1539, 255 E Temple St., Los Angeles, CA 90012. The case judge is Sheri Bluebond (Jackson, Wendy Ann)
02/26/2019320Docket Text
Final report of post-petition debts and account (rule 1019) - additional debts listed Filed by Trustee Howard M Ehrenberg (TR). (Ehrenberg (TR), Howard)
02/26/2019319Docket Text
Notice of Trustee's Final Report and Applications for Compensation (BNC-PDF) Filed by United States Trustee (RE: related document(s)[318]). (united states trustee (fsy))