Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 3:04-bk-40289 - Business Communications of Virginia, Inc. - Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Business Communications of Virginia, Inc.
Kevin R. Huennekens
Last Filing
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of Virginia (Richmond)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 04-40289-KRH

Assigned to: Kevin R. Huennekens
Chapter 7

Debtor disposition:  Discharge Not Applicable
Date filed:  11/05/2004
Date reopened:  11/13/2018
341 meeting:  04/06/2005


Business Communications of Virginia, Inc.

8101 West Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23294
Tax ID / EIN: 54-1623447

represented by
Kevin J. Funk

Cantor Arkema, P.C.
1111 E. Main Street
P.O. Box 561
Richmond, VA 23218
Fax : 225-8706
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 09/20/2011

Kevin J. Funk

Durrette, Arkema, Gerson & Gill PC
1111 East Main Street, 16th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 775-6900
Fax : (804) 775-6911
Email: [email protected]

Neil E. McCullagh

Spotts Fain PC
P.O. Box 1555
Richmond, VA 23218-1555
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 05/14/2010

Debtor Designee

Milad H. Habboush

3012 Hungary Spring Road
Richmond, VA 23228-2420


Keith L. Phillips

311 South Boulevard
Richmond, VA 23220
(804) 358-9400
TERMINATED: 07/24/2013

represented by
Peter J. Barrett

Kutak Rock L.L.P.
901 East Byrd Street
Suite 1000
Richmond, VA 23219-4071
Fax : 804-783-6192
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 07/24/2013

Paula S. Beran

Tavenner & Beran, PLC
20 North Eighth Street, Second Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
Fax : 804-783-0178
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 07/24/2013

Shannon D Franklin

Tavenner & Beran, PLC
20 North Eighth Street, Second Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 783-8300
Fax : (804) 783-0178
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 07/24/2013

Kevin J. Funk

(See above for address)
TERMINATED: 07/24/2013

Keith L. Phillips

311 South Boulevard
Richmond, VA 23220
(804) 358-9400
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 07/24/2013

Lynn L. Tavenner

Tavenner & Beran, PLC
20 North Eighth Street, Second Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 783-8300
Fax : 804-783-0178
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 07/24/2013


Lynn L. Tavenner

20 North Eighth Street, Second Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 783-8300

represented by
Paula S. Beran

(See above for address)

Lynn L. Tavenner

20 North Eighth Street, Second Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 783-8300
Fax : (804) 783-0178
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Judy A. Robbins

Office of the U.S. Trustee - Region 4 -R
701 E. Broad Street, Suite 4304
Richmond, VA 23219

represented by
Robert B. Van Arsdale

Office of the U. S. Trustee
701 East Broad Street, Suite 4304
Richmond, VA 23219
Fax : 804-771-2330
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 01/09/2020

Kenneth N. Whitehurst, III

Office of the U. S. Trustee
200 Granby Street, 625 Federal Building
Norfolk, VA 23510
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

U.S. Trustee

John P. Fitzgerald

Office of the United States Trustee
701 E. Broad Street
Room 4304
Richmond, VA 23219
represented by
Robert B. Van Arsdale

(See above for address)
TERMINATED: 01/09/2020

Kenneth N. Whitehurst, III

(See above for address)

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
01/09/2020160Docket Text
Withdrawal of Robert B. Van Arsdale and Substitution of Kenneth N. Whitehurst, III. (Whitehurst, Kenneth)
04/18/2019159Docket Text
Certification (Re: related document(s) 157 Order on Motion to Authorize) filed by David N. Tabakin of Tavenner & Beran PLC on behalf of Lynn L. Tavenner. (Tabakin, David)
12/21/2018158Docket Text
BNC certificate of mailing of order (Re: related document(s) 157 Order on Motion to Authorize) (Admin.) (Entered: 12/22/2018)
12/19/2018157Docket Text
Order Authorizing the Sale of Residual Estate Assets and Charitable Contribution of Proceeds and Related Relief (Related Doc # 152) (Cummings, James)
12/12/2018156Docket Text
Hearing held; Motion GRANTED; Order to be submitted (related document(s): 152 Motion to Authorize filed by Lynn L. Tavenner) Appearances: Paula S. Beran; Robert Van Arsdale. (oliverb)
12/03/2018155Docket Text
Hearing continued due to court closure on 12/5/2018 (related document(s): 152 Motion to Authorize filed by Lynn L. Tavenner) Hearing scheduled for 12/12/2018 at 12:00 PM at Judge Huennekens' Courtroom, 701 E. Broad St., Rm. 5000, Richmond, Virginia. (oliverb)
11/15/2018154Docket Text
BNC certificate of mailing of order (Re: related document(s) 150 Order on Motion to Reopen Case) (Admin.) (Entered: 11/16/2018)
11/14/2018153Docket Text
Notice of Motion and Notice of Hearing(Notice of (A) Filing of Motion; (B) Opportunity to Overbid on Assets; and (C) Hearing on Motion) (Re: related document(s) 152 Motion to Authorize filed by Lynn L. Tavenner) filed by Paula S. Beran of Tavenner & Beran, PLC on behalf of Lynn L. Tavenner. Hearing scheduled for 12/5/2018 at 12:00 PM at Judge Huennekens' Courtroom, 701 E. Broad St., Rm. 5000, Richmond, Virginia. (Beran, Paula)
11/14/2018152Docket Text
Motion to Authorize (Motion for an Order Authorizing the Sale of Residual Estate Assets and Charitable Contribution of Proceeds and Related Relief) filed by Paula S. Beran of Tavenner & Beran, PLC on behalf of Lynn L. Tavenner. (Beran, Paula)
11/13/2018151Docket Text
Appointment of Interim Trustee Lynn L. Tavenner. Filed by Robert B. Van Arsdale of Office of the U. S. Trustee on behalf of John P. Fitzgerald (Van Arsdale, Robert)