Pennsylvania Middle Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 4:12-bk-03729 - Tour World, Inc. - Pennsylvania Middle Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Tour World, Inc.
Last Filing
Docket Header

WMSPRT_HRG, FeeDueBK, PlnDue, DsclsDue, CREDS, SchedsDue

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Middle District of Pennsylvania (Williamsport)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 4:12-bk-03729-JJT

Assigned to: John J Thomas
Chapter 11

Date filed:  06/22/2012


Tour World, Inc.

130 McCracken Road
Danville, PA 17821
Tax ID / EIN: 23-2824746
Joe & Jans Charter & Tours, Inc

represented by
Lisa M. Doran

Doran & Doran, P.C.
69 Public Square, Suite 700
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
570 823-9111
Fax : 570 829-3222
Email: [email protected]

Asst. U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

PO Box 969
Harrisburg, PA 17108
717 221-4515

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
06/22/20125Docket Text
Matrix filed/Creditor List Uploaded. (There is no image or paper document associated with this entry.) Filed by Lisa M. Doran of Doran & Doran, P.C. on behalf of Tour World, Inc. (RE: related document(s) 1). (Doran, Lisa) (Entered: 06/22/2012)
06/22/20124Docket Text
Application to Employ Lisa M. Doran, Esquire as Attorney. Filed by Lisa M. Doran of Doran & Doran, P.C. on behalf of Tour World, Inc. (RE: related document(s) 1). (Attachments: # 1Proposed Order) (Doran, Lisa) (Entered: 06/22/2012)
06/22/2012Docket Text
Receipt of Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)(4:12-bk-03729) [misc,volp11a] (1046.00) filing fee. Receipt number 5798597, amount $ 1046.00. (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 06/22/2012)
06/22/20123Docket Text
Declaration re:Certification regarding no financial statementsFiled by Lisa M. Doran of Doran & Doran, P.C. on behalf of Tour World, Inc. (RE: related document(s) 1). (Doran, Lisa) (Entered: 06/22/2012)
06/22/20122Docket Text
Tax Documents for the Year for 2011(Document is restricted and can only be viewed by Court staff.) Filed by Lisa M. Doran of Doran & Doran, P.C. on behalf of Tour World, Inc.. (Doran, Lisa) (Entered: 06/22/2012)
06/22/20121Docket Text
Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition. Filing fee due in the amount of $ 1046.00 Filed by Lisa M. Doran of Doran & Doran, P.C. on behalf of Tour World, Inc.. (Doran, Lisa) (Entered: 06/22/2012)