North Carolina Western Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 3:91-bk-31425 - Florida Hotel Properties Limited Partnership - North Carolina Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Florida Hotel Properties Limited Partnership
George R. Hodges
Last Filing
Docket Header


U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of North Carolina (Charlotte)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 91-31425

Assigned to: George R. Hodges
Chapter 11
Date filed:  07/02/1991
Date terminated:  12/27/2001
Plan confirmed:  07/30/1992
341 meeting:  08/06/1991


Florida Hotel Properties Limited Partnership

122 West Woodlawn Road, C-106
Charlotte, NC 28217
Tax ID / EIN: 56-1545811

represented by
James L. Bagwell

4711 McAlpine Farm Road
Charlotte, NC 28226-7306
704 763-0904
Email: [email protected]

C. Richard Rayburn, Jr.

Rayburn Cooper Durham P.A.
Ste. 1200
227 West Trade Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
(704) 334-0891
Email: [email protected]

Rayburn, Smith, Cooper & Durham, P.A.

1200 Carillon
227 W. Trade Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
(704) 334-0891

Smith & Mackinnon P. A.

Suite 850 Firstate Tower
255 South Orange Avenue
P. O. Box 2254
Orlando, FL 32802-2254

U.S. Trustee

U.S. Bankruptcy Administrator

402 W. Trade Street
Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28202-1669

Interested Party

Team III Racing

represented by
Stephen D. Korshak

Korshak & Beaulieu
5339 West Belmont Avenue
Chicago, IL 60641
(312) 545-9339

Interested Party

Jupiter Realty Corporation

Interested Party

The South Carolina National Bank

represented by
James R. Bryant, III

Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice
3300 One First Union Center
301 South College St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-6025
(704) 331-4900

Interested Party

Southern National Bank of N. C.

represented by
James R. Bryant, III

(See above for address)

Interested Party

Rosario Poma

represented by
John C. Englehardt

1524 E. Livingston St.
Orlando, FL 32803
(407) 896-1138

Interested Party

Worldwide Innovations, Inc.

represented by
John C. Englehardt

(See above for address)

Interested Party

Pacino's Inc.

represented by
John C. Englehardt

(See above for address)

Interested Party


represented by
E. Givens Goodspeed

390 N. Orange Ave., Suite #800
Post Office Box 2631
Orlando, FL 32802
(407) 425-3591

Interested Party

Charlie Steve Pistolis


represented by
Rebecca S. Henderson

3500 One First Union Center
301 South College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202-6001
(704) 338-5000

Interested Party

Crown Cities Hotel Associates Limited Partnership

represented by
Mary Catherine Holcomb

4332 Silo Lane
Charlotte, NC 28226
(704) 366-6998
Fax : (704) 362-0953
Email: [email protected]

Interested Party

Elk River Development Corporation

represented by
Langdon M. Cooper

Mullen Holland & Cooper, P. A.
P. O. Box 488
Gastonia, NC 28053-0488
(704) 864-6751
Fax : 704-861-8394
Email: [email protected]

Interested Party

Leonard, Burris & MacMillan

represented by
N. Hunter Wyche, Jr.

Wilson & Ratledge, PLLC
4600 Marriott Drive
Suite 400
Raleigh, NC 27612
Fax : (919)787-7710
Email: [email protected]

Interested Party

Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association

Interested Party

McGladrey & Pullen

represented by
Stephen R. Hunting

Parker, Poe, Thompson, Bernstein,
2600 Charlotte Plaza
Charlotte, NC 28244
(704) 372-9000

Interested Party

Peggy J. Durand

409 S. Union
Chawano, Wi 54166

Interested Party

Wayne Sigmon, Trustee of the estate of Commerical Management Corp.

Post Office Box 2636
Gastonia, NC 28053
(704) 865-6265

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
09/14/20112324Docket Text
Order Granting Motion to Pay Unclaimed Dividends (Related Doc # 2323). Served on: Groshon (asw) (Entered: 09/14/2011)
09/13/2011Docket Text
Disposition of Hearing Held before the Honorable George R. Hodges: GRANTED (RE: related document(s)2323 Pay Unclaimed Funds filed by Creditor Dilks & Knopik, LLC, attorney-in-fact for Sylvia G. Gordon). (chb) (Entered: 09/13/2011)
08/24/20112323Docket Text
Motion for Payment of Unclaimed dividends in the amount of $3,654.01 filed by J. Baron Groshon on behalf of Dilks & Knopik, LLC, attorney-in-fact for Sylvia G. Gordon. Hearing scheduled for 9/13/2011 at 09:30 AM at 3-GRH-Rm126. (Attachments: 1 Appendix Statement of Authority, Limited Power of Attorney, Driver's License, and Order Authorizing Deposit of Unclaimed Funds into Registry Account) (Groshon, J.) (Entered: 08/24/2011)
10/27/20102322Docket Text
Order Granting Motion to Pay Unclaimed Dividends (Related Doc # 2321). Served on: Groshon (asw) (Entered: 10/27/2010)
10/26/2010Docket Text
Disposition of Hearing Held before the Honorable George R. Hodges: ORDER SIGNED (RE: related document(s)2321 Pay Unclaimed Funds filed by Creditor Charles Hill Stephens, Creditor Diane Burke Stephens). (chb) (Entered: 10/26/2010)
09/30/20102321Docket Text
Motion for Payment of Unclaimed dividends in the amount of $1,827.00 filed by J. Baron Groshon on behalf of Diane Burke Stephens, Charles Hill Stephens. Hearing scheduled for 10/26/2010 at 09:30 AM at 3-GRH-Rm126. (Attachments: 1 Appendix Statement of Authority and Supporting Documentation) (Groshon, J.) (Entered: 09/30/2010)
09/16/20102320Docket Text
Order Granting Motion to Pay Unclaimed Dividends (Related Doc # 2318). Served on: Groshon (asw) (Entered: 09/16/2010)
09/14/2010Docket Text
Disposition of Hearing Held before the Honorable George R. Hodges: GRANTED (RE: related document(s)2318 Motion to Pay Unclaimed Funds filed by Creditor Jeffrey P. Kent). (jra) (Entered: 09/14/2010)
08/17/20102319Docket Text
Court Notice of Defective Filing (RE: related document(s)2318 Pay Unclaimed Funds filed by Creditor Jeffrey P. Kent). (blf) (Entered: 08/17/2010)
08/14/20102318Docket Text
Motion for Payment of Unclaimed dividends in the amount of $1,827.00 filed by J. Baron Groshon on behalf of Jeffrey P. Kent. Hearing scheduled for 9/14/2010 at 09:30 AM at 3-GRH-Rm126. (Attachments: 1 Appendix Statement of Authority Between Dilks & Knopik, LLC and J. Baron Groshon; Limited Power of Attorney; Affidavit of Address; Driver's License; and supporting documentation) (Groshon, J.) (Entered: 08/14/2010)