California Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case number: 3:19-bk-30043 - Sri Dhanvantari Inc. - California Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Case title
Sri Dhanvantari Inc.
Judge Hannah L. Blumenstiel
Last Filing
Docket Header

DsclsDue, PlnDue

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of California (San Francisco)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 19-30043

Assigned to: Judge Hannah L. Blumenstiel
Chapter 11

Date filed:  01/13/2019
341 meeting:  02/12/2019
Deadline for filing claims:  05/13/2019


Sri Dhanvantari Inc.

P.O. Box 23013
San Jose, CA 95153
Tax ID / EIN: 83-0933861
Sri Dhanavantari Inc., a California Corporation

represented by
Gerald Bryan Smith

Law Offices of Bryan Smith
8880 Cal Center Dr. #400
Sacramento, CA 95826
(916) 438-6908
Fax : (916) 438-6909
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Trustee

Office of the U.S. Trustee / SF

Phillip J. Burton Federal Building
450 Golden Gate Ave. 5th Fl., #05-0153
San Francisco, CA 94102
represented by
Lynette C. Kelly

Office of the United States Trustee
Phillip J. Burton Federal Building
450 Golden Gate Ave. 5th Fl., #05-0153
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 252-2065
Email: [email protected]

Marta Villacorta

Office of the United States Trustee
Phillip J. Burton Federal Building
450 Golden Gate Ave. 5th Fl., #05-0153
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 252-2062
Email: [email protected]
TERMINATED: 01/28/2019

Latest Dockets
Date Filed#Docket Text
01/28/201930Docket Text
Substitution of Attorney . Attorney Marta Villacorta terminated. Lynette Kelly added to the case. Filed by U.S. Trustees Office of the U.S. Trustee / SF, Office of the U.S. Trustee / SF (Kelly, Lynette) (Entered: 01/28/2019)
01/27/201929Docket Text
Document: APPLICATION RETENTION. Filed by Debtor Sri Dhanvantari Inc. (Smith, Gerald) DEFECTIVE ENTRY: Incorrect event code selected and incorrect PDF attached. Modified on 1/28/2019 (pw). (Entered: 01/27/2019)
01/27/201928Docket Text
Document: LIST EQUITY SEC. HLDRS. Filed by Debtor Sri Dhanvantari Inc. (Smith, Gerald)DEFECTIVE ENTRY: Incorrect event code selected and incorrect PDF attached. Modified on 1/28/2019 (pw). (Entered: 01/27/2019)
01/27/201927Docket Text
Document: CORP OWNERSHIP STMT. Filed by Debtor Sri Dhanvantari Inc. (Smith, Gerald) (Entered: 01/27/2019)
01/27/201926Docket Text
Document: OFFICIAL FORM 207. Filed by Debtor Sri Dhanvantari Inc. (Smith, Gerald)DEFECTIVE ENTRIES: 1) PDF is incorrect (2) Incorrect event code selected and incorrect PDF attached; (3) No selection made on box(es) Parts 1-14; (4) PDF missing signature(s) on page(s)14; Modified on 1/28/2019 (pw). (Entered: 01/27/2019)
01/27/201925Docket Text
Document: OFFICIAL FORM 206 H. Filed by Debtor Sri Dhanvantari Inc. (Smith, Gerald) DEFECTIVE ENTRIES: Incorrect event code selected and incorrect PDF attached; No selection made on box(es) Section 1 Modified on 1/28/2019 (pw). (Entered: 01/27/2019)
01/27/201924Docket Text
Document: OFFICIAL FORM 206 G. Filed by Debtor Sri Dhanvantari Inc. (Smith, Gerald) DEFECTIVE ENTRies: Incorrect event code selected and incorrect PDF attached; No selection made on box(es) Section 1 Modified on 1/28/2019 (pw). (Entered: 01/27/2019)
01/27/201923Docket Text
Document: OFFICIAL FORM 206 EF. Filed by Debtor Sri Dhanvantari Inc. (Smith, Gerald)DEFECTIVE ENTRIES: Incorrect event code selected and incorrect PDF attached: No selection made on box(es) Section 1 Modified on 1/28/2019 (pw). (Entered: 01/27/2019)
01/27/201922Docket Text
Document: OFFICIAL FORM 206D. Filed by Debtor Sri Dhanvantari Inc. (Smith, Gerald) DEFECTIVE ENTIES: Incorrect event code selected and incorrect PDF attached; No selection made on box(es) Section 1. Modified on 1/28/2019 (pw). (Entered: 01/27/2019)
01/27/201921Docket Text
Document: OFFICIAL FORM 206SUM. Filed by Debtor Sri Dhanvantari Inc. (Smith, Gerald)DEFECTIVE ENTRY: Incorrect event code selected and incorrect PDF attached. Modified on 1/28/2019 (pw). (Entered: 01/27/2019)