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Tract of Land in Missouri

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Tract of Land in Missouri

Price: $180,000.00

Other Item Info
Item #: moebke_435676
Created: 09/26/2020
Category: Real Property > Residential > Other
Sale Date: Thu. Oct 29, 2020
Seller Info
Robert E. Eggmann
Debtor's Attorney
120 South Central Avenue, Suite 1800
Clayton, MO 63105
Bankruptcy Info
Case #: 2:20-bk-20119
Court: Missouri Eastern Bankruptcy Court
Chapter: 12
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Real Estate Location

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Shelby County, MO,


Sale of tract of land located in Shelby County, Missouri, and more particularly described as follows:

A tract of land lying in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 57 North, Range 12 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Shelby County, Missouri, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a cotton gin spike marking the Northwest corner of said Section 21; thence along the North line of said Section 21, South 89 degrees 38 minutes 39 seconds East, a distance of 197.80 feet to an iron rod and the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continuing South 89 degrees 38 minutes 39 seconds East, a distance of 312.96 feet to an iron rod; thence South 02 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 226.98 feet to an iron rod; thence South 82 degrees 49 minutes 06 seconds West, a distance of 138.06 feet to an iron rod; thence South 20 degrees 35 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 196.29 feet to an iron rod; thence South 62 degrees 49 minutes 32 seconds West, a distance of 213.78 feet to an iron rod; thence South 87 degrees 56 minutes 42 seconds West, a distance of 52.93 feet to an iron rod on the Easterly right-of-way of Missouri Route 151; thence along said right-of-way the following courses and distances, North 00 degrees 15 minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 180.01 feet to a rightof- way marker; thence along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 34317.50 feet, for a length of 121.65 feet (chord=N00°38'16"E - 121.65') to the Southwest corner of a tract conveyed to Moncrief in Book 203 at Page 1236; thence leaving said right-of-way, South 89 degrees 36 minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 216.34 feet to an iron rod at the Southeast corner of said Moncrief tract; thence North 17 degrees 42 minutes 05 seconds West, a distance of 240.51 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 3.1 acres. Subject to reservations, covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, assessments not levied, and right-of-way of public record, if any.

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Sale Hearing Time: 10:00 a.m.

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