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Five Farm Properties for Sale

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Five Farm Properties for Sale

Price: Not Specified

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Item #: ilnbke_1525510
Created: 12/18/2020
Category: Real Property > Commercial > Agricultural
Sale Location: Rockford, Illinois
Sale Date: Wed. Feb 3, 2021
Seller Info
Ariel Weissberg
Debtor's Attorney
401 S. LaSalle Street Suite 403
Chicago, IL 60605
(312) 663-0004
Bankruptcy Info
Case #: 3:20-bk-81572
Court: Illinois Northern Bankruptcy Court
Chapter: 11
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Sale of 5 real properties includes:

  1. The first parcel of real estate is known as the “Highway 251 Farm” which is approximately 230 acres of farmland PIN numbers 11-13-400-001, 11-14-400-003 and 11-13-300-005. Title to this property is in the names of Richard Jr., Randall and Roland. The current estimated fair market value of the Highway 251 Farm is $2,300,000 based upon $10,000 an acre.
  2. The second parcel of real estate is known as the “IPPEN Farm” which is approximately 121 acres of farmland PIN numbers 10-13-300-002 and 10-24-100-001. Randy, Roland and Richard are the titleholders to this real estate. The current estimated value of the IPPEN Farm is $1,200,000 based upon $10,000 an acre.
  3. The third parcel of real estate is known as the “Perryville Farm” which is about 92 acres of farmland PIN number 16-35-100-002. Title to this property is in the names of Richard Jr., Randall and Roland. Holcomb Bank has a first mortgage encumbering this property with an indebtedness of approximately $389,943. The current estimated value of the Perryville farm is $920,000 based upon $10,000 an acre.
  4. The fifth parcel of real estate is known as the “Grain Bin site” which is about 10 acres of land with a grain storage facility, PIN Number 11-23-200-018. Title to this property is in the names of Richard Jr., Randall and Roland. The property is encumbered with the first mortgage indebtedness due to Commodity Credit Corporation in the approximate amount of $2,148,000.
  5. The sixth parcel of real estate is commonly called “Grandma’s Farm” which is approximately 298 acres of farmland, with a common address of 1819 Mulford Road, Lindenwood, Illinois PIN number 19-10-300-005, 19-10-300-006 and 19-10-100-001. Title to this property is in the names of Richard Jr., Randall and Roland. The current estimated value of the Grandma’s Farm is $2,980,000 based upon $10,000 an acre.

Sale Location

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Rockford, IL,

Additional Details

Sale hearing in "Courtroom 3100" @ 11:00 a.m.

Last date to respond: at least two (2) business days before the hearing

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