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Approximately 64.41 Acres of Farmland in Iowa

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Approximately 64.41 Acres of Farmland in Iowa

Price: $475,000.00

Other Item Info
Item #: iasbke_151298
Created: 08/03/2021
Category: Real Property > Commercial > Agricultural
Sale Date: None Set
Seller Info
John Vandevelde
Debtor's Attorney
329 18th St
Rock Island, IL 61201
Bankruptcy Info
Case #: 3:20-bk-01750
Court: Iowa Southern Bankruptcy Court
Chapter: 12
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Real Estate Location

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Lee County, IA,


Sale of approximately 64.41 acres of farmland located in Lee County, Iowa, and more described as follows:

Part of the Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) and Northwest Quarter (NW ¼) of Section 33, Township 69 North, Range 4 West of the 5th P.M., Lee County, Iowa, and being more particularly described as follows: commencing, as a point of reference, at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of said section 33; thence south 89º 38’ 32” west (assumed bearing for this description) 1782.88 feet along the south line of said northeast quarter to the point of beginning of the following described tract of land; thence continuing south 89º 38’ 32” west 862.44 feet to the southwest corner of said northeast quarter; thence south 89º 54’ 16” west 1275.62 feet along the southerly line of said northwest quarter to a point on the centerline of county road x-32 as now established; thence northerly 158.13 feet along a 2865 foot radius curve concave easterly and having a chord bearing and length of north 11º 22’ 38” east 156.11 feet; thence north 12º 58’ 47” east 849.81 feet along said centerline; thence northerly 480.12 feet along a 2865 foot radius curve concave westerly and having a chord bearing and length of North 08º 11’ 22” East 479.56 feet; thence north 88º 43’ 53” east 417.94 feet along an existing property line to an existing iron bar; thence south 84º 30’ 06” east 1029.81 feet; thence south 88º 08’ 48” east 411.80 feet; thence south 00º 17’ 25” east 1347.54 feet to the point of beginning, containing 64.41 acres, more or less, including 2.06 acres, more or less, lying within the existing public road easement, being subject to easements of record.

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