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Approximately 43 Acres of Farmland in Iowa

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Approximately 43 Acres of Farmland in Iowa

Price: $516,000.00

Other Item Info
Item #: iasbke_151298
Created: 11/22/2022
Category: Real Property > Commercial > Agricultural
Sale Date: None Set
Seller Info
John Vandevelde
Debtor's Attorney
329 18th St
Rock Island, IL 61201
Bankruptcy Info
Case #: 3:20-bk-01750
Court: Iowa Southern Bankruptcy Court
Chapter: 12
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Real Estate Location

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Lee County, IA,


Sale of approximately 43 acres of farmland located in Lee County, Iowa, and more legally described as follows:

Part of the middle part of Section Three (3), Township Sixty-eight (68) North, Range Four (4) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Lee County, Iowa described as commencing at the center of said Section 3, and running thence West 381.48 feet to a post; thence South 297 feet to a stake; thence East 381.48 feet to the west line of the East Half of said Section 3; thence South 1023 feet to the centerline of the public road which is also the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW ¼ SE ¼) of said Section 3; thence East 759 feet along the centerline of said road and the South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW ¼ SE ¼); thence North 2277 feet to a point which is 957 feet North and 759 feet East of the beginning point; thence West 759 feet to the West line of the East Half (E ½) of said Section; thence South 957 feet along said West line to the place of beginning and containing 42.275 acres, ore or less, subject to publica road and also to a private roadway 33 feet in width along the West side of the above tract, beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW ¼ SE ¼) of said Section 3 and running thence North 1023 feet along the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW ¼ SE ¼), Lee County, Iowa.

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