
Virus update–March trustee hearings cancelled


Virus update–March trustee hearings cancelled. No rescheduling plan has been announced yet. (Will there be a call-in plan instead??) The Judges here in the Alexandria VA bankruptcy court have invited the lawyers to a conference call on Wednesday. We may know more after that. This announcement applies only to the trustee hearings.  Those are the […]


After Bankruptcy, OneMain Offers Car Reaffirmation Negotiation


In the last few months, OneMain has been contacting me about reaffirmation negotiation on car loans. That took me by surprise. With the exception of Ford Credit, I’ve been strongly opposed to reaffirming cars.  Usually you can keep the car without reaffirming. and then give it back when your credit improves. I explain more about […]


Bankruptcy Solves Rod’s Security Clearance Problem


Two weeks after filing bankruptcy, Rod got his security clearance. Rod contacted me from a military base in the Midwest. The military wanted to give him a new assignment, in the DC area, with more responsibility. His wife and children had already rented a place and moved, while he was awaiting orders.   At the […]


Announcement: What to Expect at Your Bankruptcy Hearing


What to Expect at Your Bankruptcy Hearing For most people, your only bankruptcy hearing is what’s called the “meeting of creditors.”  (We almost never actually have creditors show up. We can also call it your “trustee hearing.”) Here’s a video that explains where to go, best places to park, what to bring and what questions […]


How Soon After Bankruptcy Can I Get a Mortgage?


Good News:  Fannie Mae Announces New Shorter Waiting Period for After Bankruptcy Mortgage. Here’s the most important question for people who file bankruptcy because they can’t make their house payments:  How soon can I buy a house again? Since the housing crisis, there have been two waiting periods:  Two years after the bankruptcy; but three […]


Welcome to the “Reader Top Rated” Bankruptcy Blog


To my readers around the country, please keep in mind that I cannot give you legal advice. My answers here on this blog may help you think of things to talk about with YOUR LAWYER. DO NOT TRY TO BE YOUR OWN LAWYER, based on anything you read here. That would be a really bad idea.   Welcome. […]
